Euthanization & NGO’s
We’ve all heard the words ‘every life matters’ being thrown around in conservation/rescue circles. But do they, and more importantly, can they? Currently there are most likely more than 12,000 lions in captivity in SA. The lion industry has been permitted to grow to these numbers unchecked, and worse, supported by our government, as new permits continued to be issued and renewed.
Big strides in our big 5 education programme
As some of you may know, in 2021 we started we launched our very own education programme called the “Big 5 Schools Programme”, which we wanted to update you all on. In the pipeline for a long time, the pandemic derailed our plans to launch in 2020. But adjusting to Covid opened up new ideas and from our feeding scheme for children ages 0-5, we built beautiful relationships with the schools in our community and decided to invest further in these bright minds.

Young hearts burning bright for lions
Every so often we have the privilege of being approached by a budding youth ambassador. It never fails to amaze us how passionate and inspirational the future generation can be and wildlife and our natural world.
A scary encounter between snake & lion
Humans intervening with nature is a much-disputed topic with plenty of grey areas. Some argue that nature should not be interfered with at all, while others say that it is acceptable under certain circumstances. In this case, Indira was very lucky to have us on standby to intervene in this life-or-death situation.

The constant war against poaching
As many of you know, the Foundation has been supporting and working very closely with the Dinokeng Big 5 Game Reserve’s Anti-Poaching Units. We are constantly aware of the threat of poaching and receive frequent reminders of why anti-poaching tactics are so crucial.